Registration is now open for FOUR of the 2013 GECKO-sponored events. There are race descriptions and an easy registration on our website NOW. Click here.
You'll notice that an old favorite – the Turkey Track Trail Run is now an XTERRA event and part of the Colorado Trail Running Series. The great news is that we'll have lots of support from their sponsors both on course and in swag.
Pagosa Springs, Colorado is at 7,200' of Altitude – which means that all our races are above 7,200' of Altitude! Which means…they're spectacularly beautiful, quite challenging, and great for training for other events. In honor of this, we have made all our race entry pricing a denomination of 7,200 cents (or something like that)!
GECKO has BIG Plans for 2013, new races, new faces, new events – so if you want to hear it first, subscribe to our newsletter on the bottom right hand corner of our home page here.
Event Quick View:
June 15th. XTERRA Turkey Track Trail Marathon and 12 marathon
August 24th. Mountain Chile Cha Cha Festival 5k, 10k, half marathon on trails, followed by a free concert and chile festival
September 28st. Devil Mountain Ultra 50k, 50m and 1/2 marathon – One hell of a run! Followed by Bonfire, camping and a pancake breakfast.
October 11-13th . EPIC Mountain Challenge 2 day 4 stage EPIC run/ride format, teams and solos, $60,000 pot o' gold prize purse. Hot Springs soak.
Spread the word – and look forward to seeing you out there on the trails.
Kirsten Le Roux
P: +1 (970) 398 0613
Marketing, Media & Promotions
Volunteer Coordinator
GECKO, Athletes@Altitude
Twitter: @joinGECKO