RATS - Day Two


Day 2. 38.5 miles. 6hours, 53minutes. Deserts and slow soothing tailwinds are a great combo sitting in camp, not so great when you are running. By 8a.m. I was hot, sweaty and tired. Not so great with 6hours to go. With the red canyons and out to have a catered painted bluffs to the right and the mighty Colorado River deep to the left and the LaSal Mountains looming, far ahead, on the horizon I had plenty to keep my focus away from my aches and pains. Jeremy, my new running buddy, was strong today and kept my spirits high even though I was in a low, hot-spot, most of the day. The “prize” at the end of the day and ultimately our mantra was The River. Thinking, talking and fantasizing about a ice cold dip that awaited us at the finish line kept us putting one foot in front of the other…

As we pushed through mile 26 the ghost of Davide, the bull, wafted through my glazed and foggy thoughts, give me a smile and the energy to push on. Ultimately we finished up, stumbled to the river and took that dip. Suddenly everything felt great and we realized, “it wasn’t really too bad”.

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